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Setting up my Siri assistant

Setting up Siri Apples personal digital assistant is actually quite simple, if you already have Siri enabled on your Apple device, then you already have the main default Siri settings set up, some of the most important is that you have told Siri who you are, so you should set yourself up in your own contact book, make sure you fill in as much information as possible, because the more information you fill out, the better Siri will assist you. Once you have established yourself as a contact person, you can choose your name in the Settings -> General -> Siri -> "My Info"

It requires you to have an Internet connection because your requests are sent to an Apple server. If you choose to use a WiFi connection you can feel that Siri works faster than if you for example. sitting somewhere with poor coverage and running over the operator's Internet connection

To ensure that you have selected the right settings, we have made a guide on our webpage, you can view the complete guide here.
